Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dream:Garage doors Rolling into Floor

Dream :

Garage doors Rolling into Floor

Date: 12-29-09, after midnight, Tuesday

The house I was in, I have never been in before.

I looked around and realized that every room had low light, semi-filtered light. It seemed the home needed more light.Then I walked toward garage doors, installed inside the home, not outside the home. The garage doors separated the rest of the house from a `room`, that I could see through the glass panels attached to the garage doors.

As soon as I moved toward these garage doors, they became alive and started rolling into the floor, with a never ending stopping of the rolling. The doors would have been miles long, in wood and glass construction to continue rolling into the floor.

I immediately understood that a demon was causing this manifestation and I started calling out in the name of Jesus, with a rebuking against the demonic event.

The garage doors stopped rolling into the floor.

The doors never rolled up, to allow entrance.

I knew this room was a room of evil.

And the message is, "Garage Doors Let the Outside In".

The Holy Spirit is warning me, do not let the outside

world in.

The installation of garage doors as a architectural design option, is not uncommon.

The uncommon aspect was the entity that controlled that specific room of the house, I approached the garage doors exposing Light (discernment) on the enemies secret room.

The glass panels of the garage doors, allowed me as the viewer to see the furniture and living space of the entity.

This entity did not want the Light to enter this space.

And I understand, that some space's are never to be entered by the anointed child of G-d.

Eph. 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.


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