Research : 153 fishes, linking to 153 days of the Eastern Time
Zone Vision
153 + I am the Lord thy God + The Passover + He is faithful +
Sons of God + He shall cause to inherit
[GR] > The Number 153 - I am the Lord Thy God
For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour:
I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
Isaiah 43.3
Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great
fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were
so many, yet was not the net broken.
John 21.11
Crownsevenalphabet's vision connected to the 153 . . .
Linda :
You stated correct ... ' Most of these areas seem to be
near the outer perimeter of the country ' .
March 30th, 2008, Sunday
I started thinking about a Biblecodes post that I read,
that named Pennsylvania as a `target` of the Eboli contamination
to water.
I examined a World Time Zone Map. And I started seeing how many
cities were in the Eastern time zone.
Then I realized that Jerusalem is seven(7) hours different from
Quebec, Maine, NY, Pennsylvania, Virgina, NC, SC, Miami, New Jersey,
Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Washington DC . . .
So I said, " Well, if 0700(military time) Eastern is 1400 in
Jerusalem then the `world` will know before dark in Israel, that
the U.S. is under attack " . .
That same morning, the normal buying of gas on my way to work
resulted in me pre-paying for the gas, then asking gas attendant
to activate Pump#9.
Then finding out, that pump#9 would not work.
The gas attendant told me to leave pump#9 and go to pump#7.
As I moved my vehicle, to pump#7 . . . I could feel a vision
of a geography message coming into this scene.
Upon arrival at work, this is when I started realizing that
the moving from pump#9 to pump #7 was the Eastern time zone area.
And also, the dates that I wrote are as follows :
April 21st-May 21st
Sept. 21st-Oct. 21st
Commentary emailed to me, about the dates matching the Biblical
number 153 . . .
Thanks for the information.
The dates, I believe, may indicate the Biblical number 153
by the five months between the April and September, and between
May and October.
The 21st day and number 21 are also important in meaning.
From the April date to the one in October, there is an extra
30 days. The hours (720), minutes (43,200), and seconds
(2,592,000) are key Gematrian numbers, especially cycle numbers.
(Excerpt letter)
April 20th, 2008
Shekel :
RE: The 153 Fish of John 21, versus the ~Eastern Time Zone Vision~
Quote from your 1999 letter : . . . ( He {Jesus} is the 77th
forward from the first creation and 77 backward, as will be
perceived from the new (physical) creation at the final end
of the age )– of each 7 x 7 years . . .
Questions ?
(A) . . . Is the Jewish creation date 3761 B.C., associated
with this statement ? :
. . . “25920 years of the precession through the zodiac ages” . . .
(B) Did you mean the final end of the age, as in the end of
the 25920 years of the precession through the zodiac ages ?
(C) What did you mean by the term ‘the final end of the age’?
My theory is :
. . . The Jewish calendar states that seven (7) principle
feasts happen during these 153 days, from . . .
· April 21st – September 21st
· March 21st – October 21st
· By `Passover` being Sunday April 20th, 2008, then Monday
April 21st, 2008 could be the start of a 153 day cycle, of
a potential attack toward USA : ~My Eastern Time Zone Vision~
listed the above dates, that link to all of the following research . . .
· Since April 21st - Sept. 21st and March 21st – Oct. 21st
are twenty-one (21) week cycles or 153 day cycles, interesting
that the last miracle recorded of Christ is described in
John Chapter 21, about the 153 fishes.
· 21 weeks versus 21st chapter of John
· 153 fishes versus 153 days
· The 7 feasts versus the 7 fishermen
· All these archetypes are involved in the ~Eastern Time
Zone Vision~
· Did you realize that Peter was one of the seven (7) men
who got into the boat, at `night`, to go fishing ?
John 21:12 . . . Christ said, ‘’Come and have breakfast’ . . .
( I believe the breakfast commentary is symbolic of the
light-of-the-day, to determine that the 153 days are concluded
( Sept. 21st or Oct. 21st ). And of course, Christ completes
His ascension at the end of Chapter 21, to be on the Right Hand
of the Father.
· John 21:6 . . . ( Jesus said ) . . . ‘Throw your net on the
right side of the boat and you will find some (fish)’.
· Peter is Petra, which means ‘stone’ . . . Benjamin Tribe
12th son, means Son of Right Hand, the scepter/stone of Bethal/
the ‘rock’ is studied here.
· Then breakfast served by Christ, is a timeline to start paying
attention to these `next` principle feasts dates, after the
`conclusion` of the 153 days.
Jewish Calendar insert :
Also would you examine the Jewish creation date of 3761 B.C.
and think about this scripture :
John 21:7 . . . ( Peter jumped into the water . . .
verse 8 states . . .
The other disciples followed in the boat, . . . not far from
the shore . . . about a hundred yards )
· Why did Peter jump into the water, a football field length
from the shore ?
What if the 100 yards is ‘100 days’ or ‘100 years’, added or
subtracted from the Jewish calendar date of 3761 B.C. ? What
changes if any, would that make to your commentary ? :
Quote from your 1999 letter : . . . ( He {Jesus} is the 77th
forward from the first creation and 77 backward, as will be
perceived from the new (physical) creation at the final end of
the age ) – of each 7 x 7 years . . .
Note : . . . By the way, my vision diagram of 0700 (military time)
is a seven (7) hour difference to Israel . . . the World Time
Zone Map, list the Eastern Time Zone as 0700. This matches
the continuance of the 7’s . . .
I think the encoded data of John chapter 21, verse by verse,
is loaded with prophecy
keycodes. Have you examined the full text of each verse #1-25,
of the 21st chapter of John, for parallels . . . ?
Blessings !
()SONGBIRD: (RE) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 1st Sign : Albuquerque Plane Hijack
[northeast of Mpls/St Paul, Minnesota]
()SONGBIRD: (RE) Sandstone, Minnesota (dreams : 1992/1993)
Dearest Songbird,
Both of the above dreams have a reference to Minnesota, so they are posted for
your convenience of sharing with other's @
An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) is a long-range (greater than 5,500 km or 3,500 miles) ballistic missile typically designed for nuclear weapons delivery, that is, delivering one or more nuclear warheads. Due to their great range and firepower, in an all-out nuclear war, land-based ICBMs and submarines would carry most of the destructive force, with nuclear-armed bombers having the remainder.
(excerpt, via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercontinental_ballistic_missile)
ICBM Attack on America, 1st Sign : Albuquerque Plane Hijacked Turned Back
[northeast of Mpls/St Paul, Minnesota]
7/22/05 2 AM
A dream of an ICBM attack on America. In this dream I was with Josh and Mike in our home here, I guess. I had read or been sent a dream in which a woman saw a plane turned back from Albuquerque (hijacked) and as that happened, the country was suddenly rocked with ICBM’s flying overhead. I was sleeping and awoke enough to hear a news bulletin on Christian radio. (I used to listen to this at night.) It was a quiet message stating that a plane was turned back from Albuquerque in a suspected hijacking. As soon as I heard this I got up and shut all the windows in the house. When I got downstairs I saw my son and he was in a panic like out of a sudden sleep. I held him and rocked him in my arms and explained I had been warned and sent all this in a dream but I ignored it. I was waiting for God to warm me Himself and tell me what would happen and what supplies to collect so we had none. All the while the missiles were blasting overhead and into the ground. We knew major destruction was going on. My husband had awakened and was listening to me tell all of this to my son, who I was afraid was becoming hysterical. Only his face was more like my daughters face.
Then I saw him in another room but it seemed a part of our house yet not grieving over a women and child whom we sold a dog to recently. I tried to comfort him by telling him that these people were ok. They were probably out in the country with relatives. But as I said it I felt it was just a story wishful thinking. We were considering what we would need and where to get it and realized all the stores would be looted. It seems like I saw one big rocket flying over northeast of Mpls/St Paul. I feared for my husbands relatives that lived in Albuquerqe but there was nothing we could do but pray. There did not seem to be any phone service or TV communication after that time. I remember my children talking to me about why God would let this happen and I replied as I comforted them that life is too good an opportunity to pass up. Then I added, you must understand that GOD must be GOD even in THIS world.
We understood that thousands of people would die, many of the trees would be gone and the character of life in America had changed. Yet we were safe and protected in our house and I was surprised the lights, electricity, stayed ON. We know this state of emergency and chaos would lead to a different world order yet at the same time hoped that forcing people to live more naturally would change their evil, uncaring hearts. The ICBM was multi colored like banded. I remember hearing the names of several countries and groups that were responsible including Russia, a South American Country and a group like Hamas. The plane being turned from ALB was the signal for all of this to begin. IT was daytime when this happened.
- - -
Dear Songbird,
I am forwarding the statement, "The ICBM was multi colored like banded", to a military thinking
contact for additional input.
I do believe your dream titled : `ICBM Attack on America, 1st Sign : Albuquerque Plane Hijacked
Turned Back`, is a prophetic timeline message.
And above I have posted a United States Time Zone Map. With your location being Minnesota
(Central time) and the Albuquerque, New Mexico (Mountain time) hijacked plane turned back, as the 1st sign to occur, in the timeline countdown of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) attacks, on the United States, I feel it important to include your dream, with this vision of mine.
Betty C. Clark
UPDATE : MARCH 3, 2010
From: Songbird
To: Bclarkgemetria@aol.com
Sent: 3/2/2010 4:26:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj:Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 1st Sign : Albuquerque Plane Hijack
the thing I didn't tell you about the ICBM dream, I remembered in the dream the colors on the multibanded ICBM'S were like those of the USA.
Bolt from the Blue
By John
I don't know about you guys, but there's just something I love about the word "scramjet."
Is this thing going to be like ICBMs? Motto: Delivery in 30 minutes or less, or the next one's free?
Reach Out to Touch Someone — Really Fast
Getting weapons on target, at least getting a conventional weapon on target, has usually involved a delivery platform that includes an aircraft or a missile/rocket engine that is limited in speed, range, time of flight and/or payload and usually involves a somewhat lengthy planning process to execute the mission.
The Air Force (and the Navy in an unrelated program) are looking at speeding up that weapon delivery process by looking at a scramjet powered weapon that can achieve speeds up to Mach 6.5 or more than 4,000 miles per hour.
This sort of future capability could result in a significant change in the “time-critical strike” realm where a target of importance is identified and needs to be taken out in the shortest possible time. “Targets of opportunity” that intelligence assets find are becoming more and more prevalent in this 21st century battlespace, especially the ephemeral front that makes up the current war on terrorism
Having a capability to execute either a long range strike in minutes or to have this capability in theater rather than take the many hours it would take in the traditional strike-planning arena would be a change for the good. Further, having to maintain airborne strike platforms that many times include myriad support elements (tanking, airborne early warning, threats of enemy air defenses, etc) can be minimized with this ability to reach out and touch someone from afar in a relatively short time and adds a significant strike option to the Joint Force Commander’s tool kit.
“Faster is always better in air power,” says Brig. Gen. Jim Poss, the Air Force’s director of intelligence for its Air Combat Command at Langley Air Force Base, Va. “What we’ve found from combat experience is that people realize very quickly you have to move to survive on the modern battlefield. And the best way to counter that is to get there with the appropriate weapon in the appropriate size very quickly.”
From the Christian Science Monitor, read the whole article here.
–Pinch Paisley
To: Bclarkgemetria@aol.com
Sent: 3/3/2010 4:28:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 1st Sign : Albuquerque Plane Hijack
Well it all fits after a fashion. My good friend and sister in Christ had a vision of Albuquerque itself being attacked (or the nearby airbase or nuclear research facilities nearby), but all we "got" from that attack was the flash, and the hills protected us from most of that.
However, _____ map had few cities actually struck. Albuquerque was not, at the specific time of her vision, nor were hardly any cities in the heart of the country. A few cities had fires and smoke plumes bigger than the others, so may have been hit multiple times, e.g., New York City and Washington, D.C.
The time to prepare for that attack is today, since we know that it is within our near future. If Songbird really has need of coaching, I will share what Father has shown me to prepare (and ____) ... 3 months of basic water and one year of basic food. As a rough estimate that's 180 gallons per person water and 600-700 pounds of dry and canned food. Be sure to include canned meats like chicken, tuna and beef and some "no preparation" food like MRE's or snack crackers.
I'm not quite up to snuff on food if my whole family shows up (wife, son, grandsons, ...), and I don't know whether my water tanks are still full in New Mexico. My intentions are good. If the water tanks are empty, I can draw water from the well with a specially adapted bucket.
Lot's of other stuff. Camping supplies and medical supplies are also needed. I have those for the most part. Something to cook on when the utilities are off. A porta-potti. and so on. Lots of websites have good lists, very detailed. I might add that a firearm and a quantity of ammunition is also required of me. Others should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit for their particular family and social situation.
So, do you think we'll know ... in general ... that an aircraft out of Albuquerque has been hijacked? Will it make the news in time to do any good? Or is this one of those conditional prophecies ... this will be the first sign if several other things line up. For instance, it wouldn't do for Homeland Security to intercept the hijacker, thus preventing the hijacking if it's to be our first sign.
Thanks for hooking me up with the whole thread, Betty.
SONGBIRD: (RE)Sandstone, Minnesota (dreams : 1992/1993)
Sandstone, Minnesota is located half way between Duluth and the Twin Cities, just off interstate highway 35. Robinson Quarry is on the west bank of the Kettle river, take Main Street into town, turn right on 3rd st. (highway 123) Just before the Kettle Riveriver, turn left on Old Wagon Road.
SONGBIRD: (RE)Sandstone, Minnesota (dreams : 1992/1993)
From: Songbird
To: Bclarkgemetria@aol.com
Sent: 3/2/2010 7:06:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Sandstone, Minnesota (dreams : 1992/1993)
This was the first prophetic dream the Lord gave me. In this dream I was taken up in spirit and looking down upon the 120 acre land parcel my maternal grandparents had owned. (My cousin owns it now.) It is in Sandstone, MN. I saw this parcel of land being divided and parceled out and I knew the heart of God was broken over this and my heart was broken as I felt what He felt. He said to me (in relation to what was happening) “You have corrupted the incorruptible and forsaken the heritage of your ancestors.” I wept bitterly as I tried to awaken those around me in this dream to what they were doing. Now I know the Lord did not mean me personally but those in America who have taken the land to divide it and destroy it and profit from it. It was a very rich heritage.
I asked the Lord to give me a dream about something really important to Him. Also to let me know how close the time of His coming really is. That night was full of dreams and visions. I would awake from one only to go right into another. In all that restlessness, I still found rest. There was a dream in which my brother David receives a vision from God that changes his whole life and all around him. (I thought he would go preach the gospel but that was my thought.) It was a time when our family which has been so torn asunder, return together in peace, joy and love.
The next vision was one I cannot recall except HIS voice and this message, “I am right at the door.” He is right at the very door even now.
Lastly, the vision of a time to come. I was in spirit in this vision. All of mankind was standing outside in the dark of what should have been night. All buildings were destroyed and the land flattened and rocky.) There was no sun and no moonlight anymore. Only the stars which seemed to fill the sky and they were throwing, it seemed, pieces of themselves down upon the earth. Upon entering our atmosphere, they turned into something akin to fire and brimstone. Whatever they hit, they completely burned up. Yet, the inhabitants of earth stood each one as though transfixed to his (or her) own spot and would not move. In fact, their terror and agony was so great they seemed to hope and even cry out to be burned up!
For some reason, I was unharmed by all of these catastrophes going on around me but suddenly – a spirit came over me and I began to cry out loudly and fervently, “Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand!” The Kingdom of God was right upon these people. My urgency bordered almost on hysteria…as if, perhaps, it was already too late.
From: Songbird
To: Bclarkgemetria@aol.com
Sent: 3/2/2010 7:05:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Sandstone, Minnesota (dreams : 1992/1993)
I am enclosing the first dream/visions the Lord gave me as a very young woman. I hope you find them interesting. You are welcome for any info. (POSTED ABOVE ^)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
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